Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Prayer Cells
A World Apostolate of Fatima Prayer Cell is a group of two or more people made up of current and prospective members of the apostolate who come together on a regular basis to honor Our Lady’s requests for prayer, penance and sacrifice in reparation for sin and in supplication for the conversion of sinners, the salvation of souls and world peace.
A more detailed explanation is available here: A – What They Are – WAF Prayer Cells
The formation period of the Prayer Cell gathering is what distinguishes World Apostolate of Fatima Prayer Cells from the many ordinary prayer groups which gather simply to pray together. The learning about Fatima and sharing of insights that occurs contribute to the formulation of personal resolutions which help all members in the reduction of sin and the cultivation virtue in the living of their lives.
A more detailed explanation is available here: C – Formation Program Overview – WAF Prayer Cells
The twelve lessons which make up Level One of the formation program can be downloaded by clicking on their respective hyperlinks which are located below just before the listing of states.
Although most Prayer Cells gather weekly, bi-weekly or monthly gatherings are not uncommon.
Most Prayer Cell gatherings take place in parish churches in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. When a church is not available the gatherings take place in the homes of one or more members.
One member of each Prayer Cell serves as its Certified Leader. Certification of Prayer Cell Leaders assures the apostolate, as a Public International Association of the Faithful, that the leader is a practicing Catholic in good standing committed to the authentic Message of Fatima. It also provides assurance to the Prayer Cell members that what they participate in during Prayer Cell gatherings will always be in complete communion with Holy Mother Church.